Winter 2018 HR Compliance Certificate Program

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31 Jan

HR Compliance Certificate Program

HR Compliance Certificate Program

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 (12:00 AM) to Wednesday, May 2, 2018 (12:00 AM)
24 PDCs
Provider: Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Course Name: Winter 2018 HR Compliance Certificate Program

Speaker: Kate Bischoff; Ali McGinty; Edward Bolton; Carolyn Koleske; Cathy Wassberg
Program Type: Instructor E-Learning
Registration URL:
HR Compliance Certificate Program, Saint Paul, Minnesota
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This program provides participants with concentrated training in legal compliance issues and the opportunity to interact with practicing human resources professionals in the industry for hands-on application of concepts learned. Participants will analyze the compliance issues behind talent acquisition, selection assessment, and hiring. They will assess and manage risk in numerous simulated events related to internal investigations, discipline, and termination. In addition, participants will learn laws and regulations governing workforce reductions, resignations, and retirement. Participants will also critically examine the role of a human resources professional within the organization including the professional’s duty of care, ethical, legal, and philosophical frameworks, and responsibilities as a driver of change in an organization. The program is designed to help human resources professionals think proactively (not just reactively) about legal issues affecting the workplace.

HR Compliance Certificate Program
HR Compliance Certificate Program
875 Summit Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55105-3030

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