13 Nov Stop playing mind games - replay Stop playing mind games - replay Wednesday, November 13, 2024 (12:00 AM) to Thursday, July 30, 2026 (11:59 PM) 1 PDCs Provider: Broker Educational Sales & Training, INC Course Name: Stop playing mind games - replay Speaker: Jonathan Young / Craig Duglin Program Type: Videoconferences, webcasts, audiocasts, podcasts, eBooks, self-directed E-Learning Registration URL: http://Stop playing mind games: Help improve participant outcomes with behavioral insights - 1681838 Email Details • Access behavioral finance insights that may help influence better participant outcomes. • Understand some of the challenges participants face when saving for retirement. • Examine three types of mind games that can negatively affect participants’ financial decisions. • Review ideas and resources you can use to help participants stop playing the mind games that may keep them from reaching their retirement goals. Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocation 1. Introduction • Retirements today are different from those of the past, and many participants are delaying retirement because they may want or need to keep working. • Participants are facing many financial challenges when it comes to saving for retirement. • Timing, uncertainty and attention biases can lead to poor financial decision-making. • Self-defeating investment behaviors can derail participants but raising awareness may help them avoid their worst impulses. 2. Insights — Why this matters • Humans are often emotional and irrational when it comes to money and investing. • Employees face many financial challenges and can bring their stress to the workplace. • When employees feel stressed and burned out, it can lead to issues that can negatively affect the company. • Research shows that people are often their own worst enemies when it comes to investing. 3. Instincts — What mistakes we see • Examples and discussion on the three types of mind games. • Money mind games — John Maynard Keynes identified one of the earliest types of behavioral biases and named it the “money illusion.” • Market mind games — Market events, war, global pandemics, political unrest and the media’s reporting of them can negatively affect participant behavior. • Emotional mind games — Overconfidence, herd instinct, noise and regret are several common mistakes and biases that can influence participants’ decision-making process. 4. Ideas — How you can help • Overview and list of Capital Group publications for financial professionals, plan sponsors and participants • Strategies to get clients to take action 5. For further study • Additional resources • What to take away today