Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health and Wellbeing: Critical Steps HR Needs to Take Now

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21 May

Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health and Wellbeing: Critical Steps HR Needs to Take Now

Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health and Wellbeing: Critical Steps HR Needs to Take Now

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 (12:00 AM to 11:59 PM)
1 PDCs
Provider: HRDQ
Course Name: Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health and Wellbeing: Critical Steps HR Needs to Take Now

Speaker: Cranla Warren
Program Type: Videoconferences, webcasts, audiocasts, podcasts, eBooks, self-directed E-Learning
Registration URL: https://hrdqu.com/webinar/emotional-intelligence-and-mental-health-and-wellbeing-critical-steps-hr-needs-to-take-now-webinar/

Email Details

Steps to nurture your own mental wellbeing and build resilience amid uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. The critical role Emotional Intelligence skills play in navigating disruption, and how you can add these skills to your toolkit now. How to shift your mindset from transactional to transformational so you can approach 2022 with confidence. How meaningful connection at work is foundational to mental well-being and how to develop these skills across the organization to help your employees manage their emotions and meaningfully connect.

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The Redesigned Role of Human Resources Over the past two years, the role and function of Human Resources have been disrupted – an ongoing pandemic, an almost overnight transition to more digital and distributed ways of working, and rising calls for more diversity, inclusion, and belonging, all posing significant challenges and opportunities for organizations. In this new uncharted territory, HR practitioners were immediately thrust into the spotlight and became the single most important function as organizations looked to them to help lead the way forward. However, HR professionals have never faced this degree of challenge and change, nor have they received previous training to help them cope. Despite this reality, they have been running a marathon to develop systems and processes to keep their employees safe to ensure that their organizations survive, navigating furloughs, layoffs, and reductions in their workforce. HR professionals facilitated the massive movement to remote and hybrid work, engaged in strategic workforce planning, drafted emergency communications, developed coronavirus protocols to prevent spread in the office, and created and sustained an authentically inclusive culture. What Is the Toll of All of This Work? The overwhelming majority of HR professionals choose their profession because they care about people and want to help and make a difference. That is why they continue to wear many hats in their efforts to help steer the ship while holding workplaces together. The responsibility of redesigning workplaces for resilience and recovery required the development of new skills, and the speed and depth of this change added a great deal of stress, pushing many HR professionals to the brink of burnout. The pressure of caring for people during these ever-changing times cannot be overlooked if organizations expect HR to continue leading the way. How Can Emotional Intelligence (EI) Help? The principle tenet of EI is “start with self.” HR professionals use themselves as vehicles in the development of others daily. This webinar will help HR professionals develop the essential human skills needed to feel supported, to successfully continue to provide resources, and to be the resource for leaders and their teams. This session will discuss how to make mental health and wellness a personal priority through these activities – engaging in self-compassion and self-care, leveraging EI skills to help alleviate stress, pressure, fear, and anxiety, and creating a personal practice to establish groundedness. You’ve likely heard the quote, “put the human back in human resources.” In this webinar, you will learn how HR professionals can develop the essential human skills of EI to move from being reactive to proactive, engage in self-reflection, build awareness before action, and pave the way for them to act as role models for others in the organization.