12 Nov Creativity in the Workplace Creativity in the Workplace Sunday, November 12, 2017 (12:00 AM) to Thursday, January 31, 2019 (11:59 PM) 1.0 PDCs Provider: Skillsoft Corporation Course Name: Creativity in the Workplace Speaker: n/a Program Type: Videoconferences, webcasts, audiocasts, podcasts, eBooks, self-directed E-Learning Registration URL: http://www.skillsoft.com Email Details In this course, you'll recognize the personal characteristics of creative people and solutions for overcoming personal barriers to creativity. You'll identify techniques for enhancing creativity, how to execute them, and how to foster team creativity. Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocation Everyone has the potential to be creative. But some may need to work harder to overcome their personal barriers to creativity. In the work environment, certain conditions, such as open communication, are critical for team creativity. Team leaders can better facilitate and coax creative contributions from team members by using the right tools. Once thoughts are flowing freely and you have a good set of ideas, you need to check which are workable and worth refining for implementation.