11 Jul Episode 7: Preserving Teamwork Values With The Shift To Remote Working Episode 7: Preserving Teamwork Values With The Shift To Remote Working Monday, July 11, 2022 (12:00 AM) to Thursday, April 30, 2026 (11:59 PM) .5 PDCs Provider: Cooleaf Course Name: The Great Retention Podcast Speaker: John Duisberg Program Type: Videoconferences, webcasts, audiocasts, podcasts, eBooks, self-directed E-Learning Registration URL: https://www.thegreatretention.com/podcasts/preserving-teamwork-values-with-the-shift-to-remote-working Email Details In today’s episode, John Duisberg chats with Christy Walsh, COO of the Georgia-based law firm Drew Eckl & Farnham with 250+ total employees, 120+ attorneys, and 4 offices across their state. Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocation You’ll hear how their firm was impacted by a sudden shift to remote working, the investments they’re making to preserve their values around teamwork and employee engagement, and the ways they’re competing to win top talent over larger law firms in a highly competitive space.