SHRM Activities

List of SHRM recertification activities. 
20 Feb

Digital Wellness Certificate Program - On Demand

Digital Wellness Certificate Program - On Demand

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 (12:00 AM) to Wednesday, January 28, 2026 (11:59 PM)
30 PDCs
Provider: Digital Wellness Institute
Course Name: Digital Wellness Certificate Program

Speaker: Nina Hersher - Amy Blankson - Dr. Janicke-Bowles
Program Type: Reoccurring Seminar/Workshop
Registration URL:*y2cjrr*_ga*MjA1ODY3ODQ3NS4xNjkzNTE3MzY1*_ga_30D6CL637Y*MTcwODQ3MTc3NC4xNDguMC4xNzA4NDcxNzc0LjYwLjAuMA..

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- Understand current technology trends and their impact on human behavior in the workplace - Understand How the Environment Influences Mood, Energy, and Mental Health by unpacking the impact of physical and digital environments on mood and energy levels and creating spaces that support positive mental health and productivity. - Practice the core components of Digital Flourishing® - Model prevention of and recovery strategies from digital burnout and sensory overload - Apply practices to improve your digital productivity - Coach colleagues and clients on effective digital boundaries and intentional technology practices - Assess and track digital wellness using research-based methodologies - Utilize technology as an ally to optimize employee well-being in the digital era - Understand key terminology of digital wellness - Identify warning signs of technology addiction, dependency, and distress

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22 Apr

Digital Wellness Champion Certification

Digital Wellness Champion Certification

Monday, April 22, 2024 (12:00 AM) to Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (11:59 PM)
2 PDCs
Provider: Digital Wellness Institute
Course Name: Digital Wellness Champion Certification

Speaker: Nina Hersher, Digital Wellness Expert
Program Type: Videoconferences, webcasts, audiocasts, podcasts, eBooks, self-directed E-Learning
Registration URL:

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The award-winning certification program provides HR professionals with a comprehensive syllabus designed to integrate cutting-edge wellness strategies into organizations. It equips teams with tools to manage digital habits effectively, enhancing productivity, satisfaction, and retention in today's fast-paced, tech-driven environment. In the Introduction section, participants will explore the dynamics of remote and hybrid work and learn the importance of screen time management for addressing digital workplace challenges. In the Mental Health section, attendees will identify the psychological effects of excessive screen time and use technology proactively for mental health improvements, aiding in the mitigation of digital addiction and enhancing well-being. In the Physical Health section, strategies to assess and alleviate physical challenges from prolonged tech use will be provided. Participants will integrate movement into daily routines to counteract sedentary digital work. In the Communication section, participants will learn to identify signs of digital overwhelm and use technology to foster empathetic interactions, establishing norms that promote work-life balance. In the Productivity section, the focus will be on identifying digital distractions and strategically using digital tools to enhance workflow and reduce cognitive overload. In the Relationships section, the course will guide building supportive online networks and maintaining authentic connections, crucial for workplace collaboration and a positive digital culture. In the Digital Citizenship section, participants will foster a respectful, diverse digital workplace culture, addressing etiquette and mitigating unconscious bias. In the Closing section, attendees will implement tailored digital wellness initiatives, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the Digital Balance™ model to lead digital wellness efforts.

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