SHRM Activities

List of SHRM recertification activities. 
21 Jun

Accounting Basics for Non-Financial Professionals

Accounting Basics for Non-Financial Professionals

Friday, June 21, 2024 (12:00 AM to 11:59 PM)
3 PDCs
Course Name: Accounting Basics for Non-Financial Professionals

Speaker: Jamie L. Koetje, MBA
Program Type: Seminar/Workshop
Registration URL:
Accounting Basics for Non-Financial Professionals, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Email Details

Learning Objectives: 1. Increased confidence in reviewing financial statements with sufficient knowledge to confidently pose inquiries and guide decision-making. 2. Understand the goals of financial reporting, retrospective nature of compilation of historical data, and value to various users of financial information. 3. Functional understanding of double-entry accounting, debits and credits. 4. Ability to identify and understand the account types in the chart of accounts. 5. Knowledge of the accounting cycle for purposes of financial statement preparation. 6. Understanding of Cash (OCBOA) versus Accrual (GAAP) accounting. 7. Working knowledge of the standards for capitalization versus expense. 8. Ability to comprehend the relationship between key financial statements as well as the value and limitations of each statement.

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